All About Me

My photo
A fun, loving person with a good sense of humor. Casual and modern wear depand on mood, wear specs when i need it, 58kg, 168cm. fit well with my height & weight. i can be simple too. since i have came to a different stage of life, i had forced myself to change, to be a better person. This blog is all about me, frenz activity and my small business with my fren, i enjoy cooking and love food so much i believe everyone can cook if u cook by your heart... 我爱你们...I love u all... ku sayau ke kita smua... aku sayang kamu...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kisah Cinta Terangung Pasangan Liu Dan Xu (China)

Sebuah kisah cinta dari China yang menyentuh seluruh dunia. Kisah ini adalah kisah seorang laki-laki dan seorang wanita yang lebih tua, yang melarikan diri untuk hidup bersama dan saling mengasihi dalam kedamaian selama setengah abad.

Laki-laki China berusia 70 tahun yang telah memahat 6000 anak tangga dengan tangannya (hand carved) untuk isterinya yang berusia 80 tahun itu meninggal dunia di dalam goa yang selama 50 tahun terakhir menjadi tempat tinggalnya.
50 tahun yang lalu, Liu Guojiang, pemuda 19 tahun, jatuh cinta pada seorang janda 29 tahun bernama Xu Chaoqin ….

Seperti pada kisah Romeo dan Juliet karangan Shakespeare, teman-teman dan kerabat mereka mencela hubungan mereka karena perbedaan usia di antara mereka dan kenyataan bahwa Xu sudah punya beberapa anak....

Pada waktu itu tidak diterima dan dianggap tidak bermoral bila seorang pemuda mencintai wanita yang lebih tua…..Untuk menghindari gossip murahaan dan celaan dari lingkungannya, pasangan ini memutuskan untuk melarikan diri dan tinggal di sebuah goa di Desa Jiangjin, di sebelah selatan Chong Qing.

Pada mulanya kehidupan mereka sangat menyedihkan karena tidak punya apa-apa, tidak ada listrik atau pun makanan. Mereka harus makan rumput-rumputan dan akar-akaran yang mereka temukan di gunung itu. Dan Liu membuat sebuah lampu minyak tanah untuk menerangi hidup mereka.

Xu selalu merasa bahwa ia telah mengikat Liu dan sering bertanya pada isterinya, ”Apakah kau menyesal?” Liu selalu menjawab, “Selama kita rajin, kehidupan ini akan menjadi lebih baik”.

Setelah 2 tahun mereka tinggal di gunung itu, Liu mulai memahat anak-anak tangga agar isterimya dapat turun gunung dengan mudah. Dan ini berlangsung terus selama 50 tahun.

Setengah abad kemudian, di tahun 2001, sekelompok pengembara (adventurers) melakukan explorasi ke hutan itu. Mereka terheran-heran menemukan pasangan usia lanjut itu dan juga 6000 anak tangga yang telah dibuat Liu.

Liu Ming Sheng, satu dari 7 orang anak mereka mengatakan, “Orang tuaku sangat saling mengasihi, mereka hidup menyendiri selama lebih dari 50 tahun dan tak pernah berpisah sehari pun. Selama itu ayah telah memahat 6000 anak tangga itu untuk menyukakan hati ibuku, walau pun ia tidak terlalu sering turun gunung.

Pasangan ini hidup dalam damai selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Suatu hari Liu yang sudah berusia 72 tahun pingsan ketika pulang dari ladangnya. Xu duduk dan berdoa bersama suaminya sampai Liu akhirnya meninggal dalam pelukannya. Karena sangat mencintai isterinya, genggaman Liu sangat sukar dilepaskan dari tangan Xu, isterinya.

“EngKau telah berjanji akan memeliharaku dan akan terus bersamaku sampai ke hujung nyawa, sekarang kau telah mendahului ku, bagaimana aku akan meneruskan hidup tanpamu?”
Selama beberapa hari Xu terus-menerus mengulangi kalimat ini sambil meraba peti jenasah suaminya dan dengan air mata yang membasahi pipinya.

Pada tahun 2006 kisah ini menjadi salah satu dari 10 kisah cinta yang terkenal di China, yang dikumpulkan oleh majalah Chinese Women Weekly. Pemerintah telah memutuskan untuk melestarikan “anak tangga cinta” itu, dan tempat kediaman mereka telah dijadikan musium agar kisah cinta ini dapat hidup terus.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lizard Love Story (Pengorbanan Cinta Sang Cicak)

ketika sedang mengubahsuai rumahnya, seorang petani cuba meruntuhkan dindingnya. rumah org jepun biasanya memiliki ruang kosong antara 2 dinding yang diperbuat dari papan. bila sebelah dindingnya dibuka, petani tersebut mendapati ada seekor cicak melekat di dinding tersebut kerana kakinya terlekat pada paku. petani tersebut kasihan dan membuka paku tersebut, seingatnya paku tersebut sudah tertanam selama tiga tahun, sejak rumah itu mula dibina.

Apa sebenarnya terjadi? bagaimana cicak itu dapat bertahan selama tiga tahun menanggung kesakitan dan dalam suasana gelap selama ini. Petani itu berfikir sendiri... petani itu berehat sebentar, sambil memikirkan bagaimana cicak itu dapat bertahan selama tiga tahun...tanpa teman dan tanpa makanan?

Dalam kebingungannya, petani itu lalu berpikir. Bagaimana cicak ini dapat bertahan selama tiga tahun tanpa berpindah tempat dan makan, sejak kakinya petama kali terpaku di tembok ini. Kemudian petani itu menghentikan pekerjaanya dan memperhatikan cicak itu.

Petani itu memperhatikan apa yang dilakukan cicak itu dan apa yang dimakannya sehingga dia mampu bertahan hidup selama sepuluh tahun. Setelah sekian lama memperhatikan datanglah seekor cicak yang lain dengan membawa makanan di mulutnya, kemudian memberikan makanannya itu kepada cicak yang terperangkap ini. "Waw luar biasa".

Petani itu sangat terharu sekali melihat hal itu, ternyata ada seekor cicak yang lain yang selalu memenuhi kebutuhan makanan cicak yang terperangkap selama tiga tahun itu. Sungguh ini sebuah cinta, cinta yang indah, cinta yang penuh dengan pengorbanan.

Dan ini dilakukan oleh seekor cicak, mahluk kecil yang tidak kita sangka memiliki kurnia yang begitu indah, mengagumkan dan mengharukan kita. Tidak pernah menyerah dan berhenti memperhatikan pasangannya selama tiga tahun.

Moral dari cerita ini:
Sayangi lah org yg kita cintai tak kira org itu kekasih, isteri, suami atau ibu bapa serta adik-beradik dalam apa jua keadaan mereka.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ceter Lawak

Pusaka Kebun Nenek
Setelah sekian lama di perantauan akhirnya Rahmat pulang ke kampung untuk berjumpa dengan neneknya.

Nenek : "Rahmat, nenek sudah tidak kuat lagi, nenek minta kamu sambung mengusahakan kebun nenek..."

Rahmat : "Jangan cakap macam tu, nek..." (dalam hati, tak sia-sia aku balik kampung... dapat pulak harta pusaka nenek).

Nenek : "Segala isi perkebunan, ternakan, villa, traktor untuk kamu. Tolong jaga baik-baik, jangan lupa disiram tiap hari tanaman nenek."

Rahmat : "Baik nek, nenek jangan bimbang tentang hal itu... Tapi dimana kebun nenek? Rahmat tidak pernah tahu?"

Nenek : "Di Facebook nenek, FARMVILLE, nanti nenek bagi tau passwordnya."

Rahmat : "?????"

Tukang Bual Saja
Pembeli: "Dik, telur sekilo berapa?"

Penjual: "Telur ayam atau telur itik?"

Pembeli: "Telur ayam."

Penjual: "Telur ayam biasa atau ayam kampung?"

Pembeli: "Ayam biasa."

Penjual: "Yang tempatan atau yang import?"

Pembeli: "Yang tempatan."

Penjual: "Yang tempatannya mahu yang dari Ipoh, Kuala Selangor
atau Tampin?

Pembeli: "Yang Ipoh lah..." (Sambil terlihat kesal).

Penjual: "Mahu yang Ipoh Pusat, Barat, Timur, Utara, atau Selatan?"

Pembeli: "Adik nie jual telur atau nak jalan-jalan?"

Penjual: "Maaf kak, saya penjual mee rebus kat sebelah. Kebetulan
yang jual telur pergi makan. Saya disuruh berbual dulu dengan pembeli sampai dia datang.

Katil Maut
Salah sebuah katil di dalam bilik ICU sebuah hospital ternama kerap mengalami kejadian pelik..Setiap pesakit yang ditempatkan disitu pasti akan meninggal pada satiap hari Jumaat pagi tanpa mengira umur, jantina atau tahap kesihatan mereka Perkara ini sangat membingungkan para doktor... Lalu para doktor memutuskan untuk memantau katil tersebut...

Apabila tiba hari Jumaat yang berikutnya... beberapa doktor bersiap sedia untuk mengenal pasti penyebab kepada kematian di katil tersebut yang mana pada ketika seorang pesakit lelaki muda sedang tidur... Beberapa doctor memegang Yassin dan Quran sebagai persiapan menghalau makhluk halus..

Masa berputar... pukul 08:00am.. 08:30am sehingga jam 9.00 am... tiba-tiba... ... Pintu bilik ICU itu terbuka... . Kemudian masuklah Makcik Bedah... Seorang pekerja sambilan sebagai pencuci yang hanya bertugas setiap hari jumaat..Masuk... mendekati katil keramat tersebut... dan terus mencabut... soket elektrik untuk alat pernafasan bantuan agar dapat menghidupkan.. vacuum cleanernya...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The world's most beautiful Currencies

A one lempira note from Honduras. The lempira was introduced in 1931, and is named after a 16th century ruler. A Surinamese ten dollar note. The dollar replaced the Surinamese guilder in January 2004

A 500 baht note from Thailand. This is roughly equivalent to £10 of British money.

A colourful, floral 1000 note from French Polynesia, where the currency is the CPF franc.

A 20 rand note from South Africa. Each in this series of banknotes features a different animal from the "big five".

A five ringgit note from Malaysia showing the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the Petronas Twin Towers, and the Multimedia Super Corridor.

A five rupee note from Pakistan. The port depicted is Gwadar port, which opened in 2008.

A 100 dirham note from the UAE, showing the World Trade Centre. A falcon watermark is placed on all UAE banknotes to help prevent fraud.

A note for one Egyptian pound. All Egyptian banknotes are bilingual.

A colourful five dollar Australian note. In 1965, Australia adopted the name "royal" for its currency, but it was later dropped in favour of the dollar.

A Canadian banknote for five dollars, depicting children playing ice hockey. The verse is from a Roch Carrier short story, and reads: "The winters of my childhood were long, long seasons. We lived in three places - the school, the church and the skating rink - but our real life was on the skating rink."

A Costa Rican banknote for five colones. It shows Rafael Yglesia Castro, president of Costa Rica from 1894 to 1902 and a Guaria Morada orchid, Costa Rica's national flower. The current series of banknotes is being replaced throughout 2010.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hapi Birthday To Me

mmm Today my 32nd Birthday....
So many wishes
So many smiles
Too many memories
Too few words
With one big Birthday
Happy Birthday To Myself :)

So on this very special day
I would like to say:

Trima kasih Buat Teman2 yg telah memberi Birthday wished Kad dan Hadiah..

May God Bless We All!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kata-kata Punjanga

"... Usahlah Membenci Kelak Kamu Akan Jatuh Hati..Usahlah Terlalu Mengharap Dan Mencintai Kerna Ia Akan Membuat Kamu Benci Bila Kamu DiKecewakan.. Jangan Terlalu Mengharap Bersederhanalah Bila Ia Melibatkan Soal Hati Kerna Kita Takkan Tahu Apa Akan Terjadi.. Memang Sukar Di Mengertikan Tentang Perasaan Dan Hati.. Hanya Hati Yang Mengerti Semua Ini.. Kita Hanya Mampu Merasa Tapi Hati Yang Memahami Segala..."

‘’ ... Usahlah Meluahkan CINTA Andai Hati Belum Bersedia.. Usah Mempersoalkan SAYANG Jika Hati Masih Belum Ada Rasa.. Usah Menyatakan KERINDUAN Jika Di Hati Tak Pernah Merinduinya..Usah Hanya Berkata-Kata Di Bibir Saja Namun Hati Masih Belum Mampu Menerima Kehadiran CINTA..Usah Memaksa Jika HATI Tidak Rela..Kerna Tiada Paksaan Dalam BerCINTA..Nyatakan CINTA Itu Seikhlas Hati Kerna Itu Akan Memberi Makna Yang Mampu Membuat Kita Bahagia ...’’

"..Mengapa Masih Merindu Sedangkan Dia Sudah Tidak Mengingati Kamu...Mengapa Terus-terusan Menyintai Andai dia Tidak Setia Padamu..Mengapa Terus Menyayangi Sedangkan dia Sudah Berpunya Kekasih Hati..Jangan Terus-terusan Menyeksa Dirimu..Lupakanlah Dia Yang Telah Melukakan hatimu..Carilah Pengganti Si Dia Untuk Dirimu..Carilah Bahagia Untuk Diri Kamu..Buktikan pada si dia bahawa tanpa dia kamu masih boleh hidup..."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Costly Mistakes People Make With GPS And Cell Phone‏

With all the new electronic technology - this experience gives all of us something to think about.


A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken-into while they were at a Football game. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included:
a garage door Remote Control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard.
When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everything worth anything had been stolen.

1. The thieves had used the GPS to guide them to the house.
2. They then used the Garage Remote Control to open the garage door and gain entry to the house.
3. The thieves knew the owners were at the football game, they knew what time the game was scheduled to finish and so they knew how much time they had to clean out the house.
4. It would appear that they had brought a truck to empty the house of its contents.

Something to consider if you have a GPS -
don't put your home address in it. Put a nearby address (like a store or gas station) so you can still find your way home if you need to, but no one else would know where you live if your GPS were stolen.

I never thought of this.......

This lady has now changed her habit of how she lists her names on her mobile phone after her handbag was stolen. Her handbag, which contained her cell phone, credit card, wallet... Etc...was stolen. 20 minutes later when she called her husband from a Pay Phone telling him what had happened, he said 'I received your text asking about our Pin Number and I've replied a little while ago.' When they rushed down to the Bank, their money was already withdrawn. The thief had actually used the stolen cell phone to text 'Hubby' in the Contact List and got hold of the Pin Number.. Within 20 minutes he had withdrawn considerable amount of money from their Bank Account.

Moral of the lesson:
Do not disclose the relationship between you and the people in your Contact List.

Avoid using names like Home, Honey, Hubby, Sweetheart, Dad, Mom, etc....
And very importantly, when sensitive info is being asked through texts, CONFIRM by calling back.

Also, when you're being text by friends or family to meet them somewhere, be sure to call them back to Confirm that the Message came from them. If you don't reach them, be very careful about going places to meet 'family and friends' who text you.

*I never thought about the above!
As of now, I no longer have 'Home' listed on my cell phone.

Monday, May 31, 2010

I've Learned From The Best

I’ve learned-
that either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I’ve learned-
that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.

I’ve learned-
that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I’ve learned-
that money is a lousy way of keeping score.

I’ve learned-
that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.

I’ve learned-
that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you’re down will be the ones to help you get back up.

I’ve learned-
that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.

I’ve learned-
that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back.

I’ve learned-
that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.

I’ve learned-
that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.

I’ve learned-
that it’s not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.

I’ve learned-
that you should never ruin an apology with an excuse.

I’ve learned-
that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something.

I’ve learned-
that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do.

I’ve learned-
that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.

I’ve learned-
that it’s taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I’ve learned-
that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.

I’ve learned-
that you can keep going long after you can’t.

I’ve learned-
that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Asa Ati Aku

ku enda nemu kini mai diri
ku enda nemu ngubat ati pedis
nuan ti di kesayau nyau udah ninggal ke aku

asa ati aku sulu ka ngempu nuan ngelama tu
enda nyangka nuan mina ngasuh ati lebu
aku diatu nadai daya aku udah ambis kira

sulu aku udah diempu urang
mina ngasa bepangan alang-alang
diatu dini semua janji tik nuan beri ngagai aku

nadai nuan ngira ke pengeran ati tua sulu
ila meh aku meda bakani nuan enggau iya
udah pemegi nuan sulu ngasuh atiku seilu-ilu.. beraie ke nuan...

cukup meh nuan medis ke ati ku teju ke aku ngasai pemedis ati......


从哪跌倒就从哪爬起, 在我最困难的时候,站出来维护我,解决我存在的问题....

No words can explain how I feel, I can never thank you enough.
For all the love and pain you've healed when all my times got tough.
Never ever look back in the past Or listen to the bad things I say before.
For they are untrue, I regret them fast......
I love you (Papa & Mama) more each and every day.

I just want to let you know What is on my mind.
You know that I love you so, i
n my heart, there's a special place
Where all of your love lives

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Popia Special.... my resipi

Hujung minggu ni kita plan nak masak popia istimewa buat famili sebab hujung cuti...
popia kita mudah jer bahan2 smua nya senang tak perlu byk bahan yg penting sedap dan ringkas...

Bahan2 bawang besar,Tepung Jagung, daging ayam kisar, kobis, sayur bawang, perisa campur jer ngan maggie secukup rasa dan jangan lupa Kulit Popia.....

Try it....

Friday, April 16, 2010



终于 你还是离开了
以一种高姿态抛弃了我 让我无法去恨
既然你选择了放弃 那只有我的珍惜


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pertandingan Separuh Akhir Bintang Aiminnal (Keputusan)

Pertandingan bintang Aiminnal 1Malaysia iaitu porgram Realiti Tv anjuran RTM mencungkil bakat bukan melayu dalam bidang nyanyian pada malam ini 11 April 2010 menyaksikan perserta dari sabah memenanginya.

Berlangsung dalam konsep 1Malaysia peserta terdiri daripada berbilang kaum. Peserta peringkat akhir ini terpaksa menghadapi sesi saringan sebelum memasuki peringkat akhir pada malam ini nampaknya yang terbaik diantara yang terbaik 10 peserta akhir mempersembahankan bakat mereka.

Syabas kepada RTM kerana menganjurkan pertandingan seperti ini yg harusr diteruskan pada tahun akan datang bagi mencungkil bakat bukan melayu dalam industri muzik tempatan...

Tahniah buat pemenang:
Johan: Wen (Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
- Hadiah Rm 20,000
Naib Johan: Bonny (Sandakan, Sabah)
- Hadiah Rm 15,000
Ketiga: Iris
- Hadiah Rm 10,000

Bintang Paling Popular: Emily - Hadiah Rm 5000
Pemenang Saguhati: Hadiah Rm 2000 setiap seorang.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

If Only I......

There are alot of things I said I would never do
Ill put them aside
If only I had You here next to me
I would show You I care, I would make You see
That we belong together, that we share a soul
One day you will see, someday you will know

If only I had You, I would make You mine
I would kiss You softly, like the first time
I would make You remember, just how it felt
To look in my eyes, and make You melt
Waiting to hear you say my name
Waiting to hear you say good night
Waiting for you to hold me in your arms

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year 2010 (恭喜发财 万事如意)

Before the CNY reach this sunday me and families clean homes from top to bottom to clear out any bad luck from the last year and to get the house ready for good luck in the new year all the cleaning has to be finished before New Year's Day so there's no chance of accidentally throwing out the good fortune of the new year.

Chinese people believe Red is the colour of good luck, so wearing lots of red is encouraged also hang up signs and posters on doors and windows with the Chinese word fu written on them, which means luck and happiness.

Chinese New Year is a holiday celebrating the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. It's one of the most important holidays for Chinese families to meet each others....
This Year February 14, 2010 (that's right, Valentine's Day!) marks the start of the Year of the Tiger on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

For all my Chinese Frens i wanna wish you All Hapi chinese new Year (恭喜发财, 万事如意) and for frens who not celebrate CNY i wish you all enjoy the CNY holiday....
Salam mesra dari saya buat semua semoga hari yg bhagia ni membawa seribu keindahan buat kita semua jgn lupa dtg umah buat teman2... tak sabar tunggu jumaat ni kita cuti 1minggu jgn jeles heheheee i love u all!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Chinese Horoscope and Zodiac 2010

Tahun berlalu begitu pantas sekali kadangkala kita tak sedar masa berlalu, kini Tahun 2010 telah menjelang...this is my Chinese horoscope and Zodiac for 2010.

Chinese Horoscope 2010 the Year of the Tiger

The Horse

Good news for the horses! Year 2010 might be one of the smoothest years for you. You will find bonds between your friends and relatives being built fairly easily. Keep a clear head when making decisions for you will find that plenty of decisions may sound familiar to one another but with very different outcomes. You may also tend to overfeed yourself in the upcoming year so be sure to keep on a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Cancer 2010 Horoscope, 2010 Cancer Astrology

Career, Incomes and Gains in year 2010

During the year 2010, you can perform much better than previous year. Now you will find yourself full of enthusiasm and zeal. Exiting ventures or projects will prove profitable. The Ventures, which are already running would be good for you. Income would be more and expenses will be lower. There would be an enhancement in your respect. Now you will be able to live a dignified life.

Your relationship with your partners will remain very good. You will profit more from the relationship especially abroad. Surely this year might be Lucky for you. Thus, you should be ready to enjoy much comfortable professional life.

However, the middle phase of the year would be producing some problems related to career and finance. Especially, your friends and associates will try to block your way of success. You are advised not to keep much faith on associates as well as friends. Moreover, you should not consider about change the job.

The last quarter of the year will be revolving the circumstances in your favor. You would be honored for your contribution. Additionally, you might have a chance of career growth or promotion.

Love, Family and Social Life
The year 2010 is a mixed period for love related matters. If you are in love with someone and interested in getting married with her/him, the first and second quarters will not support you at all. You might have to wait till the 3rd and 4th quarters of the year to convert you love into marriage and obtaining a legal license of marriage.

Additionally, you might maintain very cordial relations with your sibling and parents.

Education and Traveling
First quarter of the year is it not good for education related matters. You might have to face hindrances and your concentration may spoil. Your inclination towards unproductive activities may enhance. Therefore, you should try to control your inner feelings. Planets are not indicating about fruitful and profitable journeys. You should try to avoid journeys; these may bring frustration and expenditures.

You must take care of your health planets are indicating, you may suffer due to health related problems. Frequently you may visit to doctors and spend them.