All About Me

My photo
A fun, loving person with a good sense of humor. Casual and modern wear depand on mood, wear specs when i need it, 58kg, 168cm. fit well with my height & weight. i can be simple too. since i have came to a different stage of life, i had forced myself to change, to be a better person. This blog is all about me, frenz activity and my small business with my fren, i enjoy cooking and love food so much i believe everyone can cook if u cook by your heart... 我爱你们...I love u all... ku sayau ke kita smua... aku sayang kamu...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Open Day (4th April 2009)

It’s a wonderful time last few weeks on the 4th of April when our University doing Open Day… It was successful….

The beginning of a joyful day started by people walking around visit every store that selling several items, goods and merchandise, food, drink, souvenirs and also some activity that organize by student and university… Then suddenly I heard a loud noise of a music that was the 1st performed to entertain people that morning, while they shopping also enjoy the music and other performers … the sights, colours and smells (of food selling by hotel who participate in Open day) and unique blend of Sarawak candour wherever you go will surely make u want to return. Of special interest are the special gifts, souvenirs, art and craft shops for visitor and family who wish to take home sweet memories of our University Open Day 2009.

One thing is for sure, whether you are shopping, just looking around or visiting with family, the friendliness of our university staff and student, the warn atmosphere and excellent service that encompasses the Open Day this year.

umai melanau food which is selling in the open day.

Tips for a Healthy Live for Men and Women

A very nice tips for us to take care our health. The tips that fren forward to me and wanna shared this gud tips to all of you for healthy life..... also u can log on to A Healthy Roads Media Project ( for more health info.

Eat Healthy
What you eat and drink and what you don't eat and drink can make a big difference to your
health. Eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day, less animal fat, and watching
how much you eat can help improve your health. Healthy eating may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. A chronic disease is one that lasts a long time and so affects your health for a long time.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
Obesity (weighing too much) is at an all time high in the United States, and may be getting worse. Those who are overweight or obese have increased risks for diseases such as diabetes,
high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Eat healthy foods and get regular exercise. See
your health care provider about any health problems to make sure you are staying healthy.

Get Moving
More than 50 percent of American men and women do not get enough exercise to provide
health benefits. For adults, thirty minutes of physical activity on most, preferably all days of
the week, is best. It doesn't take a lot of time or money. But it does take commitment. Start slowly, work up to a good exercise level but don't overdo it. You can develop one set of exercises, or you can do something different every day. Find fun ways to stay in shape and feel good, such as dancing, gardening, cutting the grass, swimming, walking, or jogging.

Be Smoke-Free
Health problems caused by smoking include cancer and lung diseases. Smoking greatly increases the risk of dying from heart disease in middle-aged people. Second-hand smoke - smoke that you inhale when others smoke - also affects health. Second-hand smoke is very dangerous for children. If you must smoke, don’t smoke anywhere near children. If you smoke, quit today! Telephone helplines, counseling, medications, and other ways are available to help you quit.

Get Important Medical Exams and Tests
There are some medical tests that check for illnesses you might not have noticed. These medical tests are called screening tests. Some screening tests are good to have at least once a year. Other screening tests should be done more or less often. The screening tests you should have are based on your age, health history, lifestyle, and other things. You and your health care provider can talk about how often you need to be examined and have screening tests. Screening tests will help check for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, and cancers of the skin, prostate, cervix, breast and colon. When problems are found early, your chances for treatment and cure are better. Exams and screening tests can help save lives. Yearly
check-ups are the best way to make sure you get the screening tests you need.

Get Appropriate Immunizations (Shots)
They're not just for kids. Adults need them too. Some immunizations are for everyone. Others
are suggested if you work in certain jobs, have certain lifestyles, travel to certain places, or have
certain health problems. Adults need a tetanusdiphtheria booster every 10 years. People 50 or
older and others at risk should get a flu shot. Ask your doctor if you need other shots. Protect
yourself from illness and disease by keeping up with your immunizations.

Handle Stress
Perhaps now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to the health of workers. Balancing duties to your employer and your family can be challenging. What's your stress level today? Protect your mental and physical health by taking part in activities that help you lower your stress at work and at home.

Know Yourself and Your Risks
Your parents and ancestors help shape who you are. Your work place and home as well as your everyday habits also help to define your health and your risks. You may be at an increased risk for some diseases or health problems because of what you do, where you work, and how you play. Being healthy means knowing yourself, and knowing what's best for you... because you are one of a kind.

Be Safe - Protect Yourself
What comes to mind when you think about safety and protecting yourself? Is it fastening seat belts, applying sunscreen, wearing helmets, using bug spray, or having smoke detectors? It's all of these and more. It's everything from washing your hands to how you choose the people you
spend time with. Did you know that people at work die most frequently from motor vehicle incidents, machine-related injuries, murders, and falls? Take steps to protect yourself and others
wherever you are.

Be Good to Yourself
Just because you don’t have a disease doesn’t mean you are healthy. Good health depends on
how you live your life. Whether it's getting enough sleep, relaxing after a stressful day, or
enjoying a hobby, it's important to take time to be good to yourself. Take steps to balance work,
home, and play. Pay attention to your health. Make healthy living and yearly visits to your
doctor a part of your life.


中國人和日本人吃飯的時候喝熱茶,而不是喝冰開水,我們應該學習中國人和日本人的飲食習慣。 吃過飯之後喝一杯冰冷的飲料的確很舒服,然而,冷開水會使你剛剛吃下肚的油膩膩的食物凝結在一起,而且會使胃腸的消化作用變慢,一旦這一大坨像爛泥的東西碰到胃酸,就會分解而很快地被腸子吸引,它會附著在腸壁上,沒多久它就會變成脂肪,而導致癌症,所以說,吃過飯之後最好還是喝一碗熱湯或一杯溫開水。


請你特別注意:並不是所有心臟病發作的時候都會左臂疼痛,你倒是要留意你頸項的劇烈疼痛。 心臟病發作的時候不一定會胸口疼痛,而噁心和猛烈的盜汗才是心臟病發作時常見的徵候,有60%的心臟病在睡夢中發作而患者因此一覺不醒,頸項疼痛常常會把你從熟睡中醒過來,所以要特別小心,我們懂得越多,活命的機會就越大。

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Best Moments In Life

1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing till your stomach hurts.
3. Enjoying a ride down the country side.
4. Listening to your favorite song on the radio.
5. Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.
6. Getting out of the shower and wrapping yourself with a warm, fuzzy towel.
7. Passing your final exams with good grades.
8. Being a part of an interesting conversation.
9. Finding some money in some old pants.
10. Laughing at yourself.
11. Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends.
12. Laughing without a reason.
13. 'Accidentally' hearing someone say somthing good about you.
14. Watching the sunset.
15. Listening to a song that reminds you of an important person in your life.
16. Receiving or giving your first kiss.
17. Feeling this buzz in your body when seeing this 'special' someone.
18. Having a great time with your friends.
19. Seeing the one you love happy.
20. Wearing the shirt of a person you love and smelling his/her perfume.
21. Visiting an old friend of yours and remembering great memories.
22. Hearing someone telling you 'I LOVE YOU'

Misteri Sebuah Cinta

Hari ni saya terbaca sebuah atikel tentang cinta betul juga kata penulis tersebut sekiranya kita mendapti diri kita telah menyintai atau jatuh hati pada seseorg yg tak membalas cinta kita, jgn lah kita merasa tersisih. Tak salah jika kita menyintai seseorg secara diam ini kerana cinta tak memilih utk singgah dihati sesiapa pun. Satu lagi yg membuat saya tertarik ialah bila anda dicintai dan dipuja oleh seseorg yg tidak anda cintai, apa yg anda perlu lakukan ialah anggap lah ia satu penghormatan buat diri anda tapi kembalikan penghormatan itu dgn cara yg ikhlas dan jujur supaya tak menyingung perasaan org lain serta jgn sesekali mengambil kesempatan.

Setiap manusia akan merasa dan mengalami kepedihan serta kebahagian yg serupa sekali pun cara kita menghadapi dan mengendalikan nya berbeza. Sekiranya kita bercinta dgn seseorg yg begitu menyintai kita dan sebaliknya, tiba-tiba cinta memilih utk pergi tiada siapa yg harus dipersalahkan...mgkin atas sebab yg tertentu, mgkin juga diri kita telah dimiliki atau org itu telah ada yg lain...relakan cinta itu pergi walau kadangkala ia amat menyakitkan anggap lah kita terpaksa lepaskan seseorg itu kerna syg bukan kerna benci.

Setiap yg berlaku pasti ada maksud yg tersembunyi dan kita akan menyedarinya pabila masa itu tiba, ingat jgn terlalu memilih cinta kerana cinta akan datang sendiri tanpa diduga dan singgah dihati kita. apa yg pasti kata penulis kita harus bersedia menerima kehadiran cinta dalam apa jua bentuk, mungkin misteri apabila ia dtg mengetup pintu hati kita disaat kita memerlukan nya. Cinta akan sentiasa menjadi misteri dalam hidup kita dgn itu kita harus tabah dan nikmati lah cinta kerna ia membuat hidup kita bahagia.

Bersyukur lah pada tuhan kerna CINTA itu pernah suatu ketika dulu singgah dihati kita semua. Cinta itu tak semestinya pada kekasih tapi ia tergolong dalam Cinta pada org ibu bapa, cinta pada adik-beradik, cinta pada saudara mara, cinta pada teman serta cinta pada Negara kita....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Water Bridge....over a river!

Even after you see it, it is still hard to believe ! Water Bridge in Germany .... What a feat! Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters this is engineering! This is a channel-bridge over the River Elbe and joins the former East and West Germany, as part of the unification project. It is located in the city of Magdeburg , near Berlin . The photo was taken on the day of inauguration. To those who appreciate engineering projects, here's a puzzle for you armchair engineers and physicists.

Did that bridge have to be designed to withstand the additional weight of ship and barge traffic, or just the weight of the water?


It only needs to be designed to withstand the weight of the water! Why? A ship always displaces an amount of water that weighs the same as the ship, regardless of how heavily a ship may be loaded.

Remember your high school physics, and the fly in an enclosed bottle project? Similarly, the super sensitive scale proved that it didn't make any difference whether the fly was sitting on the bottom, walking up the side, or flying around. The bottle, air, and fly were a single unit of mass and always weighed the same.

Nenas kentang goreng sos bercili

3biji ubi kentang (yg besar) potong dadu
1biji nanas (yg sederhana besar) potong dadu
5ulas bawang putih
2ulas bawang merah
5biji cili padi
2ketul kecil belancan
ikan bilis
sos tomato
sos cili
garam dan ajinomoto secukup rasa

Hope you guys try it easy to cook and yummy....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fruit Labels

Read the Numbers on Your Fruit
I just found this out about a month ago and I've been an organic vegan for over four years, go figure. That just goes to say that we must all remain as students and continue to learn and learn ¡ª never stop studying and gaining new information.

Okay, so what did I learn? I learned that sticker labels on the fruits actually tell you how the fruits have been grown ¡ª whether they were organically grown or conventionally grown with pesticides and herbicides; oh, and let's not forget about the genetically engineered fruits.

Conventional Fruit Labels
Four digits and does not start with 9 ** mostly starting with the digit 4

Organic Fruit Labels
Five digits and starts with number 9

Genetically Modified Fruits
Start with the digit 8 So next time you go shopping, remember these critical numbers and know how to avoid purchasing inorganic and GMO fruits. Shop Safe :)

This is good to know because stores aren't obligated to tell you if a fruit has been genetically modified (grrr¡­.) Okay, so if you come across an apple in the store and it's label is 4922, it's an conventional apple grown with herbicides and harmful fertilizers. If it has a sticker 99222, it's organic and safe to eat. If it says 89222, then RUN!!!! I t has been genetically modified (GMO).

Malam Pengantin

Seorang lelaki bernama Baskon yang baru saja menjalani malam pertamabersama isterinya, menceritakan tentang kemuskilannya kepada seorang kawan, Abon.

"Wah, gila juga! Ternyata memang benar, Kebiasaan yang sering kita lakukan ketika masih bujang, boleh berulang pada malam pengantin." ujar Baskon.

"Sebenarnya apa yang berlaku semalam?" si Abon ingin tahu.

"Begini. Kau kan tau kalau sewaktu bujang aku suka melanggan perempuan."

"Ho oh."

"Nah, terus malam pengantin semalam, setelah selesai melakukan hubungan, tanpa sengaja aku memberikan wang RM 100 pada isteri aku."

"Wah, gila kau!" Abon terperanjat. "Bagaimana? Isteri kau marah?"

"Itulah masalahnya," Baskon menjawap. "Dia malah memberikan pulangan wang RM 25 kat aku!"wakakakakaka. ...

Hapi Easter

Tajapun Hari Easter dah limpas 6hari aku ka merik selamat gagai semua kaban kristian, penguji tik mayoh datai dalam pengidup kitai dalam rebak kemaya hari tok. Kitai nemu nama tai penguji nya ngau sitik pengarap sereta selalu ingat ke Tuhan tik merik pegelantang dalam idup kitai.

Hari Easter, ngigat ke kitai ngau pemati Tuhan Jesus tegal dosa kitai mensia… kitai sama berati ka pemedis Tuhan Jesus diperinsa Iya disipat, diasuh ngesang regang ti berat amat sampai ka tiga kali Iya tumbang nyembah tanah… Sampai ba bukit Golgota Tuhan Jesus lalu diregang jari ngau kaki Iya dipantang ngau paku, rusok Iya ditusuk ngena sangkuh ti tajam lalu ngejung ka Iya mati.

Hari tok meh nanda ka pemenang kitai Kristian ngalah ka kuasa pemati semengat, Lalu hari Easter mega hari kitai Kristian sama berkering ka pengarap kitai lalu ngarap ke pegidup kitai diberkat ulih JESUS.... AMIN.

Even though you can't see Him, GOD is there for youWhen Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you! BLESSED EASTER